The production of sophisticated crane technology for the foundry of the Russian wagon factory TVSZ (Tichvinskij VagonoStroitelnyj Zavod) in Tikhvin ...
In last period of year 2014, NOPO Company delivered its own equipment, worth of it is tens of millions CZK, to customers mainly from EU countries. Among to the most significant belong CHART Ferox Děčín, KOVOSVIT MAS Sezimovo Ústí, VW Hannover, Iveco Czech Republic Vysoké Mýto, Automotive Lighting Jihlava, PSA Trnava, ŠKODA AUTO Mladá Boleslav and the others. . ...
At the end of March, was successfully ending test operation of 2 pieces lines, length 22 m, for welding of wessel, in Ferox Děčín Company. The lines are consisted of positioners, length conveyors and forming levers. The lines are working for production of the biggest vessels in the world, which diameter is 6 m and length 44 m.